Research Team
Open for scientific and Industry collaboration
Professor Akram Al-Hourani
(WSS Group Leader)
Professor | MEng Program Manager Telecom & Networks Eng
Wireless systems, satellite communications, UAV communications, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Hyper-spectral imaging, mmWave radars, IoT-over-satellite, vehicular radars, gesture recognition, stochastic geometry, signal Processing, Machine Learning.
Professor Kandeepan Sithamparanathan
Professor | Associate Dean Electronics and Telecommunication
5G Wireless Communication, Signal Processing, Satellite/UAV Communication, Cognitive Radios, Networks & Security.
Professor Sumeet Walia
Electronic and optical devices, Low-dimensional materials, Materials engineering, Nanoelectronics and photonics, Flexible devices, Neuromorphics, Bio-inspired devices, Optical memories, Artificial brain and vision systems, Photodetectors, Chromic and thermoelectric coatings, Sensors, Artificial Intelligence Hardware (miniaturised electronic and optical chips for different functions), Biomaterials.
Associate Professor Ke (Desmond) Wang
Associate Professor | BEng Program Manager Telecom Eng
Silicon photonics, Nano photonics, Photonics integration, Opto-electronics integrated devices and circuits, Light field microscopy, Optical wireless technologies, Optical interconnects, Microwave photonics.
Professor Margaret Lech
Digital signal processing, speech processing, psychoacoustics, image processing, system modelling and optimisation and 3-D image registration.
Associate Professor Wayne Rowe
Associate Professor | HDR Discipline Manager
Antennas, Metamaterials, and Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) at Microwave, Millimetre-wave and THz frequencies. Integration of antennas and RF devices with flexible, stretchable and composite materials using novel micro/nano-fabrication technologies. Electromagnetic sensing
Dr Du Yong Kim
Senior Lecturer
Bayesian inference, target tracking, signal processing, machine learning, radar sensors, machine vision
Dr Saman Atapattu
Senior Research Fellow | ARC Future Fellow
Signal processing, information theory, wireless networks. Computational tools such as algorithms, probability, stochastic geometry, optimization, and learning theories, fundamental performance limits of wireless networks, innovative communication protocols, strategies for smart wireless systems in future networks.
Dr Bisma Manzoor
Research Fellow
Satellite communication, Wireless communication, Signal processing, Interference management, Cognitive radio, Internet of Things, NB-IoT.
Chamath Divarathne
Research Fellow
Wireless communication, cognitive radios, signal processing, communication network, Chipless RFID, IoT, Physical layer security in satellite communications .
Fernando Moya
Research Assistant
Wireless communications, Satellite communications, Mobile communications, Machine-learning techniques in wireless communications, Physical layer security in wireless communications, Satellite communications.
Da Huang
Research Assistant
Wireless communications, Satellite communications, Machine learning, RF Fingerprinting
Affiliated industry advisors and members
Dr Bassel Al Homssi
Lecturer UNSW Canberra
Wireless communications, Stochastic geometry, IoT, Satellite, MIMO
Dr Chiu Chun Chan
Research Fellow at the Australian National University
IoT, satellite communications, stochastic geometry.
Dr Iza Hashim
Engineer at Fleet Space Technologies
Satellite communications and design, localization, satellite antenna design, Internet-of-Things, Wireless communications, Orbital determination
Members PhD Students
Mr Da Huang (RF Fingerprinting and spoof prevention)
Mr Kosta Dakic (AI in wireless communications - Satellite)
Mr Mohammed Abdelrahman (MIMO in UAV communications)
Mrs Nemine El Hendy (Interference in spaceborne synthetic aperture radar)
Dr Muhammad Khalil (Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for satellite applications)
Mr Ahmed Al Amri (MIMO in satellite constellations)
Mr Ferdi Kurnia
Mrs Mutmainnah Hasib (Direction of arrival estimation in wireless communications)
Mr Imran Khan
Mrs Munazza Shabbir
Mr Thiha Aung (Optoelectronic neuromorphic devices)
Mr Michael Ayger (Interference in satellite communications)
Alumni Research Students
Mr Shah Khalid Khan (UAV Communications)
Dr Bassel Al-Homssi (IoT Communications)
Dr Hiu Fai Chan (Network Routing)
Dr Nirmani Hewa Ranchagoda (UAV Communications)
Dr Sruthy Skaria (mmWave Radars)
Dr Zhuyin Li (RF Localization)
Dr Bisma Manzoor (IoT-over-Satellite)
Dr Song Wang (Network Security - Machine Learning)
Dr Chiu Chun Chan (IoT-over-Satellite)
Dr Juan Fernando Balarezo Serrano (Software Defined Networks)
Mr Shanaka Jayasekara (RF Localization)
Dr Iza Hashim (IoT-over-Satellite | Localization)